Sunday, October 03, 2004

Significane of 108

Ever wondered about the significane of the number 108.
It's considered a sacred number in Hinduism.
108 mantras, or 108 beads in a mala e.t.c.

Well, how about this.

The distance between earth and moon is 108 times the diameter of the moon.
The distance between earth and sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun.
The diameter of the sun is about 108 times the diameter of the earth.


Aum (Westerners like to spell it: Om)

According to the ancient Indian traditions preserved in the Upanishads, all speech and thought are derived from one sound AUM. It expresses the ultimate reality.

The letter A symbolizes the conscious or waking state,the letter U the dream state, and the letter M the dreamless sleep state of the mind and spirit.

Aum became the sacred word hum of the Tibetans, amin of the Moslems, and amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Christians. Amen in Hebrew means “sure, faithful.”